
 (l).png Horses are Magnificent (l).png

 Welcome to My Page


Hang on. Super excited about Black Smoke winning my first rosette ever! Check him out in my Immortal Casualties tab. He is amazing~ Big thank you to his breeder and skiller. 

My show-jumping competition just received a Rosette on 4/18/15 now that it is over 75% prestige! Super exciting! Thank you all for participating in my races!!!

4/19/15 ---- My show-jumping competition gave out it's very 1st rosette!! Congratulations, breeder ~sunny~ and horse Sky High!

7.4.16 ---- 4 out of 5 of my competitions have over 75% prestige and are presenting winners with rosettes!!! Again, I sincerely appreciate everyone for participating in my races and I appreciate all the boarders at my center who have stayed with me for so many years!! You guys all rock!

 Hi! Welcome to my page! :-). I am a happy 22 year old horse breeder of high quality and high starred Horses and Unicorns of all kinds of breedsThey're all so cute! (l).png. If you would like for one of my stallions to cover your mares, please feel free to PM me at anytime(l).png. 

Currently taking a break from college, working as a doggie groomer now! Very enjoyable as I talk to dogs all day! What could be better? Also, I really don't know what I'd like to have as a future career, but I figured that this will do in the meantime while I maybe start adulting and getting my life together :).

 I love Pete Wentz, of course. He is super hott xD. I live to hear music. Can't live without it. My fav bands are in order and in short: 1. Fall Out Boy   2. Breaking Benjamin  3. Three Days Grace    4. Yellowcard   5. Panic! At the Disco   6. Nickelback   7. Cartel   8. Hinder 9. Daughtry  10. Backstreet Boys (yes idc i have always loved them). And there is so much moreee. Too many to list, really. I like all genres of music, except for hardcore metal. *drives me nuts*. My favorite music genre all in all is alternative/punk rock stuff. You wanna know more? Just pm me; I'd be more than happy to talk to ya about musicc =)

I love the Twilight series. Taylor Lautner owns New Moon=D beautiful man! Eclipse was absolutely fantastically AMAZING! TAYLOR LAUTNER = LIFE <3333 teehee(7).png*I have a Catahoula Leopard Dog named Baby; he is my life and is me in a dog. I adopted him from EHR when he was a year old; they brought him all the way up to Jersey from Tennessee. Now he is about 6 or 7 years old... my little old man!!! * I have a Cockatiel named Candy. He's at least 7 years old; rescued him from a family "friend" and he quite obviously wasn't properly cared for. However, he's awesome; sour and sweet sometimes. He's a pain in the butttt. *I also have a Sun Conure named Zazu. He's now about a year old now since I bought him last October... and he's super loud, especially when he wants me to share my breakfast!! *I love fishkeeping, I've done it for over 14 years. *I have a ten gallon tank with my yellow lab cichlid named Malawi who is now approximately 4 years old. Once I get my own place, I intend on setting up a 75 gallon tank with many cichlids and I hope to breed them!! My animals are my life! (You should have seen my house in 2007). 

 Go check out my horses, if you would like one or a few, let me know and I can tell you whether or not I'd be okay with selling them or setting an appropriate price with you. **********Please note that Unicorns are NOT for sale unless they are put up for sale. These and these alone may be up for negotiations.********** Thanks <3 

 Occasionally when I feel I've got too many horses, I go on a nice selling spree. So check out my sales every once in a while to be sure you won't miss out!:).png

Just so I get this across straight;; I love horses and will do anything for them since they are so gorgeous and miraculous majestic animals... My breedings aren't for money; but are for good quality horses that will make me/and/or you the very proud owner some day. :).png

If you ever need any help or advice, you can always talk to me about it and I will guide you the best that I can And I will accept any/all friend requests as long as you are friendly.. (lol).png :p.png:).png!

Thanks a bunch for stopping by! :) Check back soon for any new news :-)).png

Feel free to check out my EC! If you'd like me to reserve a box for you, I'd be more than happy to! *All boxes have showers and water troughs. All food (carrots, fodder, & mash) are provided, along with 3 star boxes that have flax bedding. Additionally, all tack/equipment are available for use to all boarders.****Please note that new horses boarding must have at least 1000 skills - the more, the better. Divines are always accepted, no matter how many skills they have, just PM me.****(l).png


~Put this on ur page if you're a BIG Fall Out Boy Fan!!!!! (7).png ...

  especially if ur a fan of  Pete... hehehe ;-D(l).png~me~


I fell over.

I fell off my bed.

I fell in love.

I crashed into the wall.

I dropped my ipod "drumming".

I had a heart attack.

I am waiting for them to knock on the door.

I Love Fall Out Boy

*PUT THIS ON YOUR PROFILE IF F.O.B DID THAT FOR YOU AND YOU ARE A DIEHARD LIKE ME*(7).png :p.png~foblover~ (BEST taste in hot guys FYI Pete :-D!!!! luv ya!)


Absolutely love this man. Thank you to kelster41 for the gif =')






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are like apples
on trees. The best ones
are at the top of the tree.
The boys don't want to reach
for the good ones because they
are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples
from the ground that aren't as good,
but easy. So the apples at the top think
something is wrong with them, when in
reality, they're amazing. They just
have to wait for the right boy to
come along, the one who's
brave enough to

climb all
the way
to the top
of the trees.
all girls copy and paste this to ur page

cute icons::

n2g2up.gif246747i5g05216m5.gifRevolvingDoor.jpgInuyasha,_Kogome.jpg20070221-zaphk-chibi_inuyasha.jpg220538yy1pba2z8a.gifth2553254.gif   ffb604187bae5eb2ba57d7f5961bb5d4.gif51232p.jpg1661934.jpg


:).png(l).png Look below to see my georgeous lil' horseys!! (l).png:).png


Thanks and come visit back soon!

Please also feel free to board in my EC =)