
A little about me

I am an adult player. I live in Florida but I am an over the road truck driver so I am not home much. I drive with my husband of 7 years and our 2 dogs Charlie and Rango. Charlie is our 80 pound mastiff mix. He is our security system for the truck and takes his job very seriously. Rango is my 5 pound Chihuahua. His job is to keep my lap warm and remind me to get out of the truck every few hours so I don't get another blood clot.  I only play because of what i have

Thank a truck driver

People don't seem to realize that everything they buy was brought to them by a truck. We get treated badly on the road by other drivers. We are often cut off in traffic. I do not recommend this! It takes a lot more room to stop an 80,000 pound truck than it does to stop your car. People also don't like to let us over in front of them. Most of the trucks on the road are governed at 60 to 65 MPH. We don't want to go that slow but it isn't up to us. Please cut us a break and remember that we could be carrying something on our truck that you just can't live without. Try going without toilet paper! We are good people who are just trying to pay the bills just like everyone else. We just don't get the luxury of seeing our loved ones every night. We spend our nights in a truck stop sleeping in the back of our trucks or trying to sleep while our partner drives down a very bumpy road. Please give thanks to our truckers and armed forces. Without these people you wouldn't have anything.
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