Hello darkness my old friend

Shh... don't tell bob, but I'm still alive.
(You're just in denial. Dead people never think they're actually dead, just like crazy people don't think they're crazy. I haven't had page for lunch for a while, so I'm back to eat yours again! But it's been a while, so my red blood color is a bit more of a dried blood color now. Never fear, I will still haunt your page for the rest of its days... since yours are already over :p)
Shhh... Don't tell bloo, but I'm eating her page. I'll be nice and write in red though, to more easily facilitate deletion of my comments if/when she gets around to it. I'm manowar88, by the way. Nice to meet you, anonymous stranger.
In the spirit of friendship, of course, gooya has joined this conversation. I will write in blue to distinguish from manowar88 aka bobalu. And since I can't change the color in the bottom half, I would like to use this space to mention that Amethyst had better not write me out of her will, like bobalu suggested.
Be a good dino and properly introduce yourself, goo! That's flygirl124, aka the gooyasaur aka gooya aka goo. She is very pleased to make your acquaintance.
Actually, she may not be. Depending on who it is.
*sigh* well, you could at least pretend to be a nice person.
As a matter of fact I am a delightful person. Bob is the only not nice one.

Layout malfunctioned, will fix in Neverneverneverland (or just get a new one, of course).
Taking a *cough* short *cough*  break until the Howrse economy becomes less hostile. A point to take in account: Howrse is a great place to understand simple economic occurrences. Another point to take in account: spell-check is your friend, especially for words like occurrences that you don't really use all that often. Way to be picky. Seriously. Not everyone has spell check on their browsers. Come on, man! Man?! I am most definitely not a man! Despite my masculine username... and my masculine nickname... And you wonder why I referred to you as a man... You really should watch things like that. HMPH.

Public Notice
"Due to the recent budget cuts, the rising costs of gas and oil, plus the current state of the economy, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off and replaced with a glow-in-the-dark alien that feeds on the local dinosaur population. But we all know that that particular alien could never eat certain dinosaurs, namely the gooyasaur. You just tell yourself that. I will eventually win the race with my slow and steady nibbling at the gooya, just you wait! You cannot out-eat me! *Perhaps you could, if, you know, you weren't so short. Even if you were just a few inches taller, that might help.* Once again, my computer won't let me change the color, so the part in astericks is mine* BLOOO!!!!!!! Did you see that? Gooya called me short again, make her take it back! *petulant footstomp* I am NOT short!!!!!!!!! Oh yes. You, the person who is 7 inches shorter than me is not short. Of curse not. Sorry, but I'm not freakishly tall enough for someone 7 inches shorter than me to be at least average. Actually, I'm almost average now! Only an inch more to grow! Unfortunately, I'm also done growing-- taller, at least. I was so close, yet so far...
Have a Very, Very Nice Day!"

12/14- Finally reached 60e lessons!
12/ something - Lost my 60e lessons... But I'm getting there!
3/2/12 (I think? Not sure the year...) - 16000th in the Western Grand Prix! Which, if people really invested into the Western Grand Prix, shouldn't have happened. xD.png?1934785483R.I.P. xD smiley... I really should be ranked about 16000000th, to be honest. Not sure where those few missing zeros went, though I do have some theories...

11/1/12- This account is dead. RIP Amethyst361.
*Poor, poor Amethyst. Next time I see her I'll tell her to come back to life.*

Please do. This being dead thing really isn't fun anymore.

P.S. Hey bloo, whenever you do get back on here, can you get around to writing a last will and testament? you can just leave gooya out of it and give everything to me, I'm sure she won't mind... *shifty eyes* She most definitely will not leave me out of it!-says gooya since my computer stopped letting me highlight and I can no longer change the color. There, now you're nice and blue again. You will be very figuratively blue too when she does indeed leave you out of it, eh? *Except that she won't. Remember who sees her most often?* How do you know I haven't been seeing her? Maybe I watch her from her bedroom window every night as she sleeps, have you thought about that? Or maybe... *even shiftier eyes*

P.P.S. Yes, and kindly guess another letter in your Guess the Book. I should put up a time limit: one limb for the hangy-man for every month you let him languish. That should kill him off pretty quickly...

The Last Will and Testament of Bloo, who will have to be purple since Goo stole her color:

If Schrodinger's cat is dead, and either Bob or Goo can prove it's dead, then the smaller infinity of my two infinities shall go to whichever one opened the box to prove that the poor cat has passed on. The larger shall go to whichever one was smart enough not to open the box and kill the cat.

In the case that the cat is alive, the larger infinity will go to whoever can get from point A to point B the fastest heeding Zeno's paradox and provide a solution as to how a falsely diagnosed compulsive liar ever proves their innocence.

This request is to be carried out after the passing of Bloo, which is currently in dispute as of the signing of this will and testament.


*gasp* bad goo, taking her color! But amethyst is purple, so it works well enough I guess...

Ah, but shouldn't the smart one be the one that didn't put the poor kitty in the box in the first place? Must add another clause if you want a Bob to sign this thing as a witness...

Do you refer to Zeno's dichotomy paradox? It is quite amusing, though you can always just converge to B and not bother with the immeasurably small distance away from it you are. After all, if you can't measure the distance from B you are, how can you be sure you aren't really on B anyways?

And what if your falsely diagnosed compulsive liar is actually guilty? If not, your liar can prove their innocence by gathering so much logos and pathos that their ethos doesn't matter, of course, or just by hiring a very good (and most likely expensive, but you never said they were a poor falsely diagnosed compulsive liar) attorney.

Anyways, why would bloo's demise be disputed? You're obviously her ghost, come back to sort out her worldly affairs despite the multiple requests to rest in peace so Bob can freely loot her account. Or perhaps not so obviously... You might be a zombie or vampire, I can't be sure. Or maybe you're just a Bloo from an alternate universe, drawn here by my request for a will and testament. You might even just be a later incarnation of Bloo, or even some other creature masquerading as Bloo. Need I continue, or have I correctly guessed your predicament?


Also, I protest this will. It is waay over my head and I don't think it's a fair will. If you lay out what each of us get, in words that my simple brain can understand, then I may or ay not agree to it. Until then, nothing will happen.