Welcome to the profile of leanne1973!     

About me:
My name is Leanne and I am an adult player of this game. Please bear this in mind when contacting me. I will be as respectful to you as you are to me.

My Game:
I have been playing Howrse for a very long time, as you can see from the number of days of registered above. There isn't much I don't know about Howrse so if you have any queries or problems I am always happy to help. Please note that I am English and I live in the UK, so I may be in a different time zone to you and it might be a while before I answer your message.

I used to breed purebred Hanoverians (the ones I still have trace directly back to my first foundation howrse, Valentina.) Over the years, I have branched out in many different directions. I was a breeder of elite Chincoteague ponies and I was also involved in the Zero GP Project. In January 2010 I finally managed to breed howrses with greenstars in all six genetic potentials! Without the help from wildmadbad and pascalbear I would not have accomplished this and I send them sincere thanks. You can see my Allstar howrses if you have a look through the 'Other Horses' tab below.

I am very happy to trade Black Market items. I have a quite a few, so if you would like to trade, then send me a message. I may require you to send me your item first though, especially if you are a new player. The only reason for this is to try and minimise my risk of being scammed - I hope you will understand.

I accept 99.99% of all friends requests. My reasons for not accepting are my own, so please do not harrass me if I reject your request.

From time to time I will have howrses for sale. Please do not contact me to negotiate the price (unless the tag invites you to do so) or to ask to remove a howrse from the auction. I automatically block everyone who does not comply with this simple request.

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile and I wish you the very best of luck with your game!

Kindest regards, Leanne