Easy Peasy Lipi skiller training.

do all mountain and forest rides
train all skills
barrel comps till bold
put on horseshoe studs (gallop will be the highest skill at this point)
beach rides (it will auto transfer trot to gallop)
trail comps till bold

It is important to do barrel comps before trail, as that is how studs and beaching auto into gallop.  

This is also how you fix it if you have messed up and accidentally put studs on dressage.  As long as you have done no comps that use dressage, you can add a bonus pack after barrel comps and it will switch the studs to gallop!

Obviously, foal games, WOY at 2, lesson every turn, cloud

9/24/22  Busy busy summer, settling down now.

New Years Resolution, I will make no resolutions  check

I use auto comp. Everyone who blups on my account via co-man uses autocomp. Nobody is targeting you. Do not send me idiotic PMs about "stomping."  

I haven't really been on howrse in 6 weeks  405a07c944db94dcebf5dcaf189a81e1.png  But as of this week, I am back part-time.  

If you sent me a PM in the last few weeks, um, I''m working on them.  I have 323 pms to go through 855f2acb12410ea8c7951e834f5ff498.png  While I don't wish to be rude, since all bluping has been done via co-man, I won't be responding to any PMs about comping.

Fishy has been doing a WONDERFUL job leading Incitato in my absence and she will continue to do so!  Please contact her if you have any questions about Lipis.

Dani has been doing a WONDERFUL job leading Sikoa in my absence and she will continue to do so!  Please contact her if you have any questions about arabs https://www.howrse.com/joueur/fiche/?id=26900493

Lastly I want to thank all of my amazing teammates who have kept the fires burning while I have been away!



Sorry everyone, my rl is going bonkers
Went away for the weekend, got home on Monday, but got the call yesterday that my father-in-law is in the hospital.
He should be okay! (looks like pin strokes) But, I am now with the fam and unavailable
Please contact jonas or  ~Shizaya in my absence!
