Hello there dear traveler,

I am an adult playing on Howrse, so If you are a minor please be aware and do not interact if you do not have permission to do so.

I used to play Howrse as a kid/teen and I loved it, however life gets busy when you are an adult, and veterinary school is a tough thing to master. However I am now a fully licensed veterinarian and loving the adventure, in my down time I picked up playing this little game again. I'm here for nothing more than to have a little fun on a horse themed game.

The baby donkey in my profile picture is my little man Charlie, he was born 4/23/23 and is a spunky little guy. He is going to have a play mate in mid June as his Auntie is going to give birth to her own little foal any day. Excited to see them run around the pastures together. So far my total donkey count is almost 6 and should cap off at 7 by November when my donkey girl Remi has her foal. All my donks are current rescues, which started with one in September 2022 and has now grown to 6.

Anyways, you are more that welcome to reach out to me, I am always willing to help when I can!

Dr. B signing off :)