I accept all friend requests.

09-27-2012, my beloved cat, Smokey died today. She adopted me in 2002 as I walked around a city park in a little town in Mississippi. Out of all the people in the park that day she chose me. Smokey was already an adult so I am not sure how old she was when she came into my life and heart.  I was blessed to have her in my life for the past ten years. Good-bye Smokey, run free now at the Rainbow Bridge. Even  my German Shepherd Xena is mourning the passing of her little friend. 

Sorry, my divines and specials are not for sale. Please do not ask me to sell you one. Unless any of my other horses are in the sales they are not for sale either, thanks for understanding.

Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!
Thank you Optima for the 1200 days banner!

I have an Archimedes, please stop by and answer his question. He is in my favorite horses.
Please note that I am an adult player. Please get your parents permission before adding me as a friend or sending me PMs.