Hi people!!!!!

About me

I love horses! I breed high greenstar friesians, and occasionally I breed unicorns. I don't ride or own a horse but I would love to. Wouldn't we all? I love horses so much I am working towards becoming a veterinarian specializing in horses. It is my goal, but who knows what life will throw at you. Anyway, have fun and enjoy my still under-constuction presentation.


I remember when Friesians came out and the unicorns. I remember horses without Greenstar. My first Greenstar horse had two Greenstars and I worked so hard to get her. Now I breed over 100 Greenstars and have two foundie unicorns that were bought with quite a lot of equus. Anyway I am just saying I'm a Howrse original!

I try to only breed purebred high greenstar Friesians. You'll find the odd non-purebred horse and that is only because I wasn' t paying attention. Hehe

All coverings are open! Just pm me.

I just got to say I love icons especially funny cat ones!

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2enypfn_th.jpgfunny icon Pictures, Images and Photos316x8pf.jpg

i289854682_30385_4.gif12750103187p5370.gif Hilarious!  




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