Absolute Perfection news (April 30, 2016).
Last night the team got together and decided that after more than seven years, it was time to leave the GP race.

Absolute Perfection has been one of the top teams during that time and we’ve been #1 for the last few years.  
  Due to our members all having real life commitments that take up much of their time, the difficult decision was made that it was time to move on to other things. Real life always needs to come first. We will still be breeding our ponies as we have time and inclination but at a much more relaxed pace.

Thank you to everyone who purchased our lovely ponies over the years
Good Luck to all the other Welsh Teams

About Me!

 I am an adult player, I live in Wales and I have one daughter, who used to be on howrse.
I breed Welsh Ponies, 

My first breeding partner was sassyponies, since then have had several breeding partners. I was a member of the Elite Welsh Pony Team
Absolute Perfection Welsh
My aim on this game is to be a fair and honest player.

My Breeding!

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Other Information and Banners

thank you StarieStables
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by surfergirl
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