Welcome to the Ranch!

Founding member of Appily Ever After Appaloosa Unicorns.
Member of Everlasting Spots Appaloosas.


Appaloosa Unicorns

Low % coat colors on multiple breeds

Quality Appaloosa

Various other breed Unicorns on occasion

SEEKING reliable farmer

~~I accept all friend requests~~

^^Only horses in the Sales farm tab are for sale.  Messages about other horses will be ignored.^^

I play too sporadically to join your team, but I'm happy to help with filling or what not if I'm on.  Just message me!

I am an adult player in the country in NE Oregon.  I own a Quarter Horse mare, a POA/Curly mare, and a Haflinger/Curly mare.  I ride Dressage and Ranch and play with jumping and trails and ring showing.  I own 4 dogs and assorted other pets.  I collect Breyer Model Horses and I love to read.  I mainly read spicy romance.  I have played Howrse since I was in college!