In my forum I have listed lots of generous players and which high pass black market item UFOs they posted.

Hobbies and life pursuits:

Horses ~ H.P.  Fanfiction ~ Games ~ Music ~ Movies ~ Health ~ Genealogy ~ Metal Detecting ~ Chess ~ Bowling

I am 42 a year old female.  

My favorite animals are mostly horses.  I enjoy animals for who they are, not what they are. I feel the same about people.

My favorite Harry Potter Fanfictions are The Alexandra Quick series by Inverarity
New Blood by artemisgirl
and Quantum Entanglement by Caspian Alexander

All three can be found on

Keep in mind there are ratings on some of these stories and they might not be appropriate for children

If you need help with any daily objectives, feel free to ask.

Below are two coats that I have sought after for years! The chances of getting one is almost zero. I still find reason to hope. Willing to work out a trade or buy for max price.


I give away my colored tack because I have so much of it. If there is a piece you need let me know and if I have it and you are on my friends list, I'll send it to you. Otherwise I give colored tack mostly to newer players. If I send you something, there is really no need to send anything back. Just accept the gift guilt free as it was intended.855f2acb12410ea8c7951e834f5ff498_v1582023526.png

If you are in the market for the highest gp Shire or Shire unicorn in sales, let me know. Some are in my sales already.  They are not cheap as they are above average in demand.  I can beat any gp in sales if they are not the current highest. 

 Top gp Shire Unicorn with tears: 400 passes. 
 Top gp Shire Unicorn without tears 350 passes.

Top gp Shire Horse with tears 250 passes.
Top gp Shire Horse without tears 200 passes.

If you prefer buying in equus, I consider 300,000e about the same value as 100 passes.  So if one of my horses costs 200 passes, I'd accept 600,000e instead if you prefer.  This goes for all my sales including vice versa if you would prefer to pay with passes.

For those of you who do very well on this game, simply don't play much anymore, or want to pay it forward, please consider putting your BM items as UFOs on your page. Be a generous person. That little burst of joy you can give someone makes the world a slightly better place. The world needs all the help it can get.

I have monster pets in my sales for 150 passes each.  If you are looking for one that isn't in my sales, let me know and I'll add it.