Thank you to all who helped get my dressage comp rosette back! You guys are awesome!

I want to thank all of my friends and past team members for all the wonderful times and memories over the years. While I may have been absent more in recent years, I did think of you! I hope everyone is doing well and wish nothing but the best for all!

I no longer play as I once did. I’m not trying to top the rankings, collect everything, or even play with any real direction at the moment. For the time being I’m just playing around and enjoying some stress free tinkering. 

As for who I am…I’m an adult in my forties who lives on a farm in Missouri. I have mini cows, chickens and of course, horses! I have a Percheron, a Quarter Horse, a Standardbred, 2 Haflingers, a mini Appaloosa and a mini donkey. I enjoy a good trail ride, but absolutely love driving my horses. I have carts (from mini to giant) and a surrey.
