
Seniority: 2,756 daysGeneral ranking: 2586ᵗʰ
Registration date: 2016-01-29Number of horses: 1461
Last visit: 2024-04-25Reserve: 13,293,874 equus
Karma: 10 points
customized ufos

Customized UFOs

lindypupploutos' parchment 2024-03-31


Dask has been congratulated 3,795 times in all, most recently by:

Nimbifera23 days ago
redkite24 days ago
Purple Zen25 days ago
zoo5525 days ago
Spitfire Ace25 days ago
equestrian center

Equestrian center

Dask manages the equestrian center Dark Fortress.

  • Prestige:
  • Number of places: 100
  • Number of remaining places: 0
sales in progress

Sales in progress

HorsePriceType of sale
196RC500 500 passesDirect
Gypsum2,500 2500 passesDirect


OfferSearch Time
aphrodite's tears aphrodite's tears aphrodite's tears horn of plenty horn of plenty horn of plenty 1 day
philosopher's stone philosopher's stone horn of plenty horn of plenty horn of plenty 1 day
achilles' heel achilles' heel horn of plenty 2 days
piece of cloud pandora's box pandora's box 2 days
achilles' heel achilles' heel achilles' heel horn of plenty horn of plenty 3 days
fertility wand fertility wand fertility wand horn of plenty horn of plenty 3 days
fertility wand fertility wand horn of plenty 3 days