Welcome Summertime at the beach

I will help with the pinata games. 


I'm on here every day, like the Ghost Riders, I'm chasing the devil's herd.

"I don't mind if my hair turns gray, as long as it doesn't turn loose." ~Mamoo

There's nothing like a horse.  

About Me: 

I'm an adult player. Don't forget to get permission, before chatting, if you're a minor.
I collect GA, RC, donkeys and divines. None of  the GA and RC groups have been for sale in 13 years. It's a permanent collection.  
I don't sell a lot of horses because I'm collecting Trophies and need the coats from each breed. I'll sell the duplicate coats. 

 Currently, I'm working with thoroughbreds.

 Chief Powhatan. 
Best buckskin this side of heaven and, now, beyond the stars. 1967 - 1995.

I accept friend request.


Never Sell Your Saddle


today: 3881 Years Old !

WideAwakeInDreamLand has accepted 653 covers.

It's been a long, strange ride.

A BIG Thank You
to everyone who helped, played, supported and shared the journey with WideAwakeInDreamLand. 

And a special THANKS to a great herd:
laurasjones, Alisska, gemmaster, Curiorun, shg0816, wastedeuphoria, Bea


Archimedes needs to boost his IQ and by clicking on this link:     

Arch horse is losing intelligence.  You can answer the question and get an aging point.

Arch 2 

Thank you

reeart2 and WideAwakeInDreamLand 

PitaPata Horse tickers

 Thank you, Luckyducks for the AWESOME banner. 

The Last Unicorn

Thanks for visiting our Millennium Mare!

Thank you safehavenrescue for this beautiful pix.


 1000 HB  rs1_egypt2-2(l).png?1097526923

Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!

We've Promoted her to Millennium Mare.

Sparkle, Animated

Thank you laurasjones for the great banner!

My game is centered on WideAwakeInDreamLand. There's no other quest or challenge that draws me here. Except the wonderful friends I've met over the years: it would be a lonely game without them.

When We Think of Magic

What Happened to the Unicorns?

The magic powers attributed to unicorn horns were varied. According to some medieval recipes, "To make an ointment against leprosy, take some unicorn liver, grind it up and mash with egg yolk."

"To avert attack by plague or fever, take some unicorn pelt, make a belt from it, and tie it around the body."

"Shoes cut from unicorn leather assure healthy feet, thighs, and joints."

The magic of unicorn was considered protective and rulers would fashion cups, sword handles and clothing from unicorn material. Drinking from whole horns would ward off poison and it was treasured more than ten times its weight in gold.

"The shavings of a unicorn's horn, if given in a potion, are an antidote to poisonous drugs."

Queen Elizabeth I's unicorn horn was valued at 10,000 pounds, an exorbitant sum in the 16th century, equal to $80,000 to $100,000 today.

Maybe the reason there are no more unicorns is simply a matter of greed.



History of the Unicorn

Chinese Unicorn Kilin pronounced chee-lin which is a combination of both ki, the male, Lin the female unicorn. It lives for 1,000 years. It is careful not to tread on even the tiniest living thing and will eat only plant life that is no longer living. If we do not see a unicorn it suggest we are living in bad times. They only appear in good times.

Japanese  it is known as Kirin, is shaggy mane with bull like body. It is feared and detects guilt in legal disputes.

Arabian unicorn is kown as karkadann has magical qualities to protect against poison.

First sighting Adam beginning of time, Garden of Eden

5,000 years ago in China
2697 B.C. in China
2,000 B.C. in China
551 - 479 B.C. in China
4th Century B.C. in India
3rd Century B.C. in Asia
1st Century B.C. in Germany
Mid I I 00s in Asia
Early 1200s in India

" ... Well, now that we have seen each other," said the Unicorn, "If you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you."  --Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

Layout from www.howrseinfo.com FREE GRAPHICS AND LAYOUTS


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No heaven can heaven be, if a horse isn't there to welcome me.

unicorn 500

Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!

Illustrated by aRo Art & Design Studio

 strollwithme2Chief Powhatan: best buckskin this side of heaven and now beyond the stars. Just before dawn, Chief Powhatan was born on a tiny ranch with much fanfare. 28 years later, among the cattle he loved, he silently passed away.